Sam the Driven
Business Owner
Huddling with team

Now there are others in the business I need to keep all our thinking in one place in an ultra-practical way. Things change so quickly and we like to make stronger connections together.
New Ideas
I want to ensure my team can be part of our growth by having their say in how we do that - at least once a week.
We've not got the time for fancy approaches and writing business plans. This is the fun and effective alternative we all love!
We work flexibly so when we're together we use the big Board then on a Friday we huddle around the Digital Kit on Zoom

An Insight into how BIG PICTURE helps

Kits for Team Huddles

All Kits come with a free Orientation and access to our 'Essentials Guide'.

Innovation to Operations

Lightbulb Moments
With a new idea we want to identify the key impacts with the rest of our operation
Always Open
It can happen anywhere at anytime so it's good to keep the Board 'open'!
Making Connections
With a shared understanding we can quickly join the dots with what we already have!
Facing up
We discover what we've not thought and we can address what we need to do!
There are so many plates to spin in different parts of the business so as anyone knows it's tough staying on top of things. Fortunately, we have found that BIG PICTURE has all the key elements we need so it's like a visual checklist of all the different things we need to think about. By using a shared language it reduces all the noise and wriggle room we can get lost in when we're using different words for the same things!

In Sam's words ..

I absolutely love what I do! I've always been full of ideas and found working for someone else didn't provide a place for those ideas to develop. I took the plunge and have never looked back!

When it comes to all the different aspects of the business and colleagues perspectives it's really important it comes together in one place so everyone's on the same page. Sometime's hard choices have to be made but we're ok with that!
Driven Business Owner
Risk Taker

Sam Working with

We have a big board in our physical office which we huddle around midweek every week. We keep it simple by only using 3 of each type of Symbol. It creates a tension when we're having to choose what is more important to focus on in limited time- just like running a business really!

We tend to work remotely at the beginging and end of the week so we have a shared Digital Kit Board we can access alongside our Slack channel. New connections come at any time of the day or night so we don't want to miss one of them!

Engage an expert

We can put you in touch with someone doing what small Business Owners do day in-day out using BIG PICTURE.
Engage Now!
  • Bev Holden
    Chief Practitioner which means she's even more helpful than Mart from a different perspective!
    Martin Johnson
    I created BIG PICTURE so I can share wonderful ways to achieve exactly the outcomes you seek.
  • Hywel Griffiths
    Specialist in Finance and Change  as Chief Partner @YourBigPic Hywel is a joiner of dots!

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